Kate Viggiano Janich

reach the people you need


Communications plans * Rebranding and messaging * Digital newsletters * Fact sheets + promotional products * Animated videos * Social media content * Power Point presentations

Strategic plans * Event planning + coordination * Focus group planning and guide development * Facilitation * After-action reports * Analysis + Recommendations


— Henry David Thoreau


When I begin any project, I take time up front to listen. I focus on learning about what my clients need and what they want to achieve, and understanding their biggest barriers. Then, based on what I've learned, we create a plan together.

While I can and often do lead the development of content and products, I also recognize the importance of playing to our strengths. I work with designers and experts who can help take our work to the next level and truly reflect the vision and purpose of each project.

About Kate

A communications specialist - facilitator and innovator - connector, I love helping clients make things happen. Whether it’s creating and pushing out a communications campaign, standing up a new program, or bringing people together to understand their needs and creating a solution--I can do it.

In 2019, I co-founded Rowan Tree, a coworking + cogrowth space built for the needs of women entrepreneurs, but open to all. I'm proud to say we are still going strong even after a pandemic. An open-hearted and empathetic strategic communicator, I thrive in situations where I convene people with many perspectives and facilitate shared understanding and solutions.

Even before starting out my career in hospice and end-of-life care, I’ve always had a passion for supporting and advocating on behalf of those who are more vulnerable. In combination with my 15+ years of management and communications consulting experience, I’m fiercely dedicated to lending my lessons learned to make the world better.

My superpowers: Listening. Reading a room. Making PowerPoint slides not boring. Connecting people and helping them come along with change. Keeping perspective. Always finding a way.

I hold a master’s degree in Health Systems Management from George Mason University and live in Fairfax, VA with my husband Miles, kiddos Finn and Tessa, dog Starbuck, and cats Dora and Taco. (It’s kind of like a zoo.)

About the Cairn

Historically cairns, or stacks of rocks, were used to help wanderers find their way along a path. Today, while that is occasionally the case, most people simply enjoy the connection they feel when they stack a stone on top of others. There's something magical about it. While the practice of creating them without care or intention is not encouraged, cairns can remind us of the power of a quiet communication. They stir up a sense of wonder, adventure, and link us to those who have passed before us. Even the smallest pile of rocks can tell a story.